ACF Children( Ages 5-12)
Let the little
children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as these - Matthew 19:14
What we've been up to:
This past year has been a quiet
and peaceful year by the grace of God. We have also seen quite
a few new faces. Our children have had the chance to watch some
good educational Christian programs, such as cartoons on Daniel
in the Lion's Den and the Miracles of Jesus. We've also read
letters from Compassion kids who live all over the world, and
learned biblical concepts as they relate to current events.
What we are looking forward to:
Towards the end of the
year the children will participate in Africa Day of Prayer. It
will involve the reciting of memory verses, singing Christian
songs, and performing rehearsed skits.
In summary,
the children all get along, are exceptionally intelligent, full
of energy (at times, a little too much energy) and are eager to
learn advanced concepts/theology. May God continue to bless
them and also bless you the parents.
Exciting events are coming soon!